IT Services

OSK Technology provides a wide variety of services to our clients.  We recognize that every organization has its own unique challenges in the way it uses technology to support business objectives.  Because of that, we are able to provide optimal solutions to those challenges.  Please Contact Us to speak with an OSK representative to discuss your needs and see how OSK can help your organization.

Network Consulting

Small / medium businesses and large organizations share at least one thing in common: they both rely on Technology Infrastructure to run their business.  For better or worse, without an effective IT strategy – along with the people who turn that vision into reality – an organization will not thrive.

That’s where we come in.  OSK’s single mission is to help our customers (big and small) create an IT environment that works for their business.  We have over 25 years experience delivering IT Services and Solutions to customers in North America.  With a focus on Network Monitoring, Management, and Security we have aligned ourselves with the industries Best-of-Breed vendors with proven track records of success.

VoIP Testing and Network Assessment

VoIP network performance testing can mean the difference between a VoIP system working at a high level QoS and a weak system that runs so poorly customers could take their business elsewhere.  OSK offers innovative VoIP testing and troubleshooting solutions that can help ensure a working VoIP environment.  Whether you are deploying a new VoIP system and need to perform a VoIP pre-assessment to ensure acceptable Quality of Service, or you want to perform ongoing testing of existing multimedia services, OSK has a solution that is right for you.